
School Of Humanities And Communication Arts

Mediated Mobilities (WSTC)Western Sydney University Unit Code: 700181.2


Student Contribution Band: 1

Level: 1

Credit Points: 10

Equivalent Units
101925 - Mediated Mobilities

Unit Enrolment Restrictions
Students must be enrolled at Western Sydney University, The College. Students enrolled in Extended Diplomas must pass 40 credit points from the preparatory units listed in the course structure prior to enrolling in this University level unit.

About this Unit
In 2017 this unit replaced by 700269 - Data, Mediation and Power (WSTC). This unit explores the role of social media and ‘crowd sourcing’ in relation to new forms of knowledge production and new modes of political and cultural organisation. The unit critically examines a range of practices special to digital media technologies and network cultures. These include peer-to-peer file sharing, media piracy, remix cultures, ‘free labour’, open source software movements, tactical media, viral marketing and collaborative forms of production. The concepts of ‘mediation’ and ‘mobile privatisation’ are developed by considering the interplay between technological forms, cultural practices, urban conditions, institutional forces and policy settings. Case studies will investigate how political activists, advocacy groups, ordinary citizens and corporate actors use social media to advance their interests.


A7030.1WSTC Communication Extended Local Recent School LeaversCONTINUING
A7031.1WSTC Communication Extended International StudentsCONTINUING
A7032.1WSTC Communication Extended Non-Credentialed ApplicantsCONTINUING

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