School Of Science And HealthIntroduction to Physiology (WSTC)Western Sydney University Unit Code: 700098.2
Student Contribution Band: 2
Level: 1
Credit Points: 10
Equivalent Units
300753 - Introduction to Human Physiology, 300620 - Physiology 1, 300818 - Introduction to Physiology
Incompatible Units
300361 - Introduction to Human Biology, 700061 - Introduction to Human Biology (WSTC)
Unit Enrolment Restrictions
Students must be enrolled at Western Sydney University, The College.
Students enrolled in Extended Diplomas must pass 40 credit points from the preparatory units listed in the course structure prior to enrolling in this University level unit.
Students enrolled in the combined Diploma/Bachelor courses listed below must pass all College Preparatory units listed in the course structure before progressing to the Year 2 units.
About this Unit
This unit introduces the concept of homeostasis and critically examines examples of how the body systems are regulated and homeostatically controlled. The unit uses a body-systems approach to examine the physiology of tissues, organs and systems in order to develop an integrated view of the regulated functioning of the human body.
Special Requirements - Essential Equipment
Safety glasses, lab coat, lab book