
School Of Medicine

Health Practice 1Western Sydney University Unit Code: 400738.1


Student Contribution Band: 3

Level: 1

Credit Points: 20

400737 Scientific Basis of Medicine 1

Unit Enrolment Restrictions
Students must be enrolled in 4641 Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery. Students must have completed a Prohibited Employment Declaration; undergone a Criminal Record Check; have completed a WorkCover accredited Senior First Aid Certificate; and have an up to date Adult Vaccination Record. Students must also sign a declaration that they understand and comply with Infectious Diseases Policy, Health Records and Information Privacy Act (HRIPA) 2002; and UWS' submitting their details to the NSW Medical Board.

About this Unit
The corequisite for this unit is 400737 Scientific Basis of Medicine 1. Both units must be completed successfully in the same year, in order for you to progress to the next year of the course. If one unit is failed or if both are failed, you must repeat both together in your next year of enrolment. The practice of medicine occurs within a psychological, social and cultural context. Health Practice 1 explores the complexity of medical practice and covers areas from doctor/patient interaction to an examination of the health care system. A particular focus will be the communities that make up Greater Western Sydney. Topics covered include: Communication skills; Patient history and examination; Ethics; Psychosocial aspects of medicine; Impacts of gender, culture and deprivation on health and medical care; Professionalism; and Population health.

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