School Of Science And HealthTopics in Medical ScienceWestern Sydney University Unit Code: 300893.1
Student Contribution Band: 3
Level: 3
Credit Points: 10
Unit Enrolment Restrictions
Students must be enrolled in 3673 Bachelor of Medical Science, 3674 Bachelor of Medical Science (Nanotechnology) or 3682 Bachelor of Medical Science (Advanced) or 6002 Diploma in Science/Bachelor of Medical Science. Succesful completion of 80 credit points at Level 2 or 3.
About this Unit
This unit builds on the content and concepts developed across multiple discipline areas during the Bachelor of Medical Science, integrating them together into the context of human health and disease. Students will work in groups to undertake an in depth exploration of an issue related to Medical Science. Topics addressed each year will vary, and will include issues currently at the forefront of Medical Science, issues for which there is currently significant scientific debate, and issues in which students have expressed a particular personal interest.