School Of Science And HealthScientific LiteracyWestern Sydney University Unit Code: 300811.1
Student Contribution Band: 2
Level: 1
Credit Points: 10
Assumed Knowledge
Basic literacy and numeracy.
Equivalent Units
300497 - Professional Skills for Science, 700124 - Scientific Literacy (WSTC)
About this Unit
This unit is designed to provide students with scientific literacy and generic skills required to successfully undertake science-related undergraduate studies. Students learn, develop and utilise academic and interpersonal methodologies within the context of applied scientific principles in society and take responsibility for their own learning. Students are introduced to the contestable and uncertain nature of science and the scientific method. Activities encourage development of self-confidence, self-efficacy, creative thinking through problem solving, group process, communication and peer support. Academic skills include scientific reading and report writing, researching scientific information and library skills, oral presentation, taking tests and exams, effective personal and group based learning strategies, peer assessment, and online learning.