School Of Science And HealthThe Appendicular SkeletonWestern Sydney University Unit Code: 300755.3
Student Contribution Band: 3
Level: 2
Credit Points: 10
Equivalent Units
E2311 - Human Biological Sciences III, 300325 - The Appendicular Skeleton
Incompatible Units
400881 - Functional Anatomy
300778 Introduction to Anatomy
About this Unit
This unit will be replaced by 300898 - The Appendicular Skeleton from Spring 2013. This unit provides a thorough understanding of the topographic anatomy of the human upper and lower limbs, including their respective girdles. It undertakes this by utilising a regional approach (as against a systems approach), emphasising the interplay of the different body systems within the appendicular. The relationship between form and function at a topographic level, will underpin all teaching of this unit.