
School Of Computing, Engineering And Mathematics

Intelligent SystemsWestern Sydney University Unit Code: 300368.2


Student Contribution Band: 2

Level: 3

Credit Points: 10

Assumed Knowledge
Basic understanding of data structures and algorithms and basic programming skills in Pascal C/C++ or Java etc.

Equivalent Units
300087 - Artificial Intelligence, 300137 - Knowledge Based Systems

200025 Discrete Mathematics

About this Unit
In 2017 this unit is being replaced by 301174 Artificial Intelligence. This unit provides basic studies in the major areas of artificial intelligence: search, knowledge representation, logic programming, machine learning and knowledge based systems, agent planning and learning. The first part of this unit will focus on the foundation of artificial intelligence: search algorithms and their implementations, game playing, logics and knowledge representation, and inference in reasoning systems. The second part will cover the principles of knowledge based systems (intelligent systems), planning, and machine learning.

3633.2Bachelor of ComputingCONTINUING
3639.1Bachelor of Information and Communications TechnologyCONTINUING


M3000.1Computer SystemsCONTINUING
SM3004.1Formal SystemsCONTINUING

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