School Of BusinessNegotiation, Bargaining and AdvocacyWestern Sydney University Unit Code: 200613.2
Student Contribution Band: 3
Level: 3
Credit Points: 10
Equivalent Units
61430 - Negotiation, Bargaining and Advocacy
200300 Managing People at Work
About this Unit
In 'Negotiation, Bargaining and Advocacy' students identify and assess contrasting approaches to negotiation and identify the importance of strategy and judgement in negotiation. Students develop their skills through a team-based online negotiation and a critique of the experience of this negotiation. Through case studies, students examine conciliation, mediation and arbitration with a particular focus on advocacy practice in industrial tribunals. An important theme in the unit is the assessment of the contextual and regulatory factors that shape negotiation, bargaining and advocacy practice. This aspect draws on contemporary debates in these spheres most notably concerning the Australian context.