
School Of Business

Valuation of Special PremisesWestern Sydney University Unit Code: 200604.2

Discipline: VALUATION

Student Contribution Band: 3

Level: 3

Credit Points: 10

Assumed Knowledge
It is assumed that students will have a sound knowledge of valuation principles and practices; accounting principles; commercial property practices; property investment analysis and application and property portfolio analysis.

Equivalent Units
VA301A - Valuation of Special Premises

Unit Enrolment Restrictions
External offerings for this unit are only available to students who are enrolled in a Property course, Key Program or Major.

About this Unit
In 2015, this unit is replaced by 200876 - Specialised Valuation. The value of special premises constitutes an important segment of valuation practice in Australia. A number of special valuation considerations arise in the appraisal of this class of premises. However, the most compelling reason for studying the valuation of special premises is the fact that these classes of property provide an ideal vehicle whereby valuation principles and methods of valuation can be critically evaluated by students.

2739.2Bachelor of Business and CommerceCONTINUING
2739.5Bachelor of Business and CommerceCONTINUING
2753.1Bachelor of Business and CommerceCONTINUING
2753.2Bachelor of Business and CommerceCONTINUING
2753.3Bachelor of Business and CommerceCONTINUING



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