School Of ManagementPower Politics and KnowledgeWestern Sydney University Unit Code: 200583.1
Student Contribution Band: 3
Level: 3
Credit Points: 10
Equivalent Units
H3743 - Power Politics and Knowledge, 200752 - Power, Politics and Knowledge
About this Unit
In 2010, this unit replaced by 200752 Power, Politics and Knowledge. This unit examines the complex interaction between power, politics and knowledge - both in organisational settings and in society as a whole. This is accomplished through an appraisal of a range of relevant sociological and organisational studies theories, and their application to 'real-life' situations in organisational settings. The rationale for the inclusion of a sociological perspective in this unit is that organisations do not operate in a social vacuum, but are constantly subject to broader social, economic, political and cultural influences that bear upon the distribution and exercise of power in organisations and in society as a whole.