School Of BusinessAccounting Information for ManagersWestern Sydney University Unit Code: 200101.4
Discipline: ACCOUNTING
Student Contribution Band: 3
Level: 1
Credit Points: 10
Equivalent Units
61111 - Intro Financial Accounting, AC105A - Finance and Accounting, H1746 - Financial and Management Accounting 1, MG324A - Management 3.2, 200103 - Accounting Reports and Decisions
Unit Enrolment Restrictions
External offerings for this unit are only available to students who are enrolled in a Property course or specialisation. Co-requisite 200336 - Business Academic Skills applies to students in courses 2739/2753 Bachelor of Business and Commerce, 2741/2754 Bachelor of Business and Commerce (Advanced Business Leadership) and 2740 Bachelor of Business and Commerce/Bachelor of Laws.
About this Unit
This unit provides exposure to financial and management accounting information from a user of accounting information viewpoint. The unit aims to provide breadth of awareness and knowledge in relevant fields of accounting essential to decision making for managers.