
School Of Business

Sales ManagementWestern Sydney University Unit Code: 200095.3

Discipline: MARKETING

Student Contribution Band: 3

Level: 3

Credit Points: 10

Assumed Knowledge
Assumed knowledge of basic marketing principles.

200083 Marketing Principles

About this Unit
The aim of the unit is to provide students with a sound theoretical basis and practical application of theory in sales management, and acknowledges sales as a common first step into marketing and management careers for graduates. This will be achieved by: (1) examining the sales role within the discipline of marketing and its importance as a function within contemporary organisations; (2) considering the varied roles played by salespeople within organisations; and (3) presenting concepts and techniques for organising the sales function in a professional manner, such that these functions more effectively contribute to the corporate goals of the organisation.

2739.2Bachelor of Business and CommerceCONTINUING
2739.5Bachelor of Business and CommerceCONTINUING


M2001.1Applied Marketing ManagementCONTINUING

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