
School Of Humanities And Communication Arts

Songwriting and Composer CollaborationsWestern Sydney University Unit Code: 102549.1

Discipline: MUSIC

Student Contribution Band: 2

Level: 3

Credit Points: 10

Equivalent Units
101096 - Music Composition Advanced, 101531 - Music Composition: Text and Visual Interactions

101530 Music Composition: Concepts and Creativity OR 102548 Composition and Creativity

About this Unit
This unit extends on the creative principles and practical experience in the range of compositional techniques and skills in the preceding unit Composition and Creativity. It will have two focuses: songwriting in both popular and art-music traditions to allow for the exploration of lyrics/texts; and composer collaborations with large scores for film, photography and dance. Students will work in a wide variety of commonly-employed artistic media and genres at a higher level than in the preceding unit. They will acquire the ability to write for larger instrumental combinations in cross-artform collaborations and songwriting skills. Practical workshops using compositional principles through student improvisation within creative groups will provide sonic demonstration of compositional ideas in relation to songwriting and other media. The assessments will include both notated scores (with visual media options) and recordings (improvisation; one notated score), in keeping with the Internet distribution age.

1659.4Bachelor of MusicCONTINUING
1659.5Bachelor of MusicCURRENT
1738.2Bachelor of Music (Dean's Scholars)CONTINUING
1738.3Bachelor of Music (Dean's Scholars)CURRENT
1841.1Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Creative IndustriesCONTINUING
1841.2Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Creative IndustriesCURRENT



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