School Of Humanities And Communication ArtsGreat Texts of Islam: Qur'an and HadithWestern Sydney University Unit Code: 101464.3
Discipline: LITERATURE
Student Contribution Band: 1
Level: 2
Credit Points: 10
Unit Enrolment Restrictions
Successful completion of 40 credit points at level 1.
About this Unit
In 2013, this unit replaced by 101911 - The Qu'ran: An Introduction. An introduction, in English translation, to the two most important texts of Islam, the Qur'an and Prophetic Tradition (Hadith), which Muslims regard as the primary sources of Islam. Students will study: the origins of the Qur'an and Hadith; their overall structure and content; major themes; approaches to their interpretation; and their functions in Muslim religious, social and political life. The themes and topics covered should assist students in understanding contemporary debates on the relevance of Islam today. Students will also explore the relationship between text and traditions in various Muslim societies in the present day.
M1024.1 | Religion, Anthropology and Philosophy | CONTINUING |
M1036.1 | Islamic Studies | CONTINUING |
SM1032.1 | Religion, Anthropology and Philosophy | CONTINUING |