School Of Humanities And Communication ArtsLanguages and Linguistics Special ProjectWestern Sydney University Unit Code: 101297.2
Student Contribution Band: 1
Level: 7
Credit Points: 10
Assumed Knowledge
Depending on the project chosen, the student should be familiar with research design and procedure, as in A7444 - Research Methods, or be familiar with TESOL methodology or be undertaking concurrently 100725 - TESOL Methodology.
Equivalent Units
100726 - TESOL Internship, 100720 - TESOL Dissertation, A7526 - Languages and Linguistics Dissertation
Unit Enrolment Restrictions
Students must be enrolled in 1595 - Master of Arts (TESOL), 1635 - Graduate Diploma in TESOL, 1636 - Graduate Certificate in TESOL, or 1640 - Master of Arts Translation and Interpreting Studies.
About this Unit
This unit provides the opportunity for students in postgraduate TESOL and Interpreting and Translation programs to undertake a special project related to their needs and interests, such as a professional Internship in TESOL; or an action research project in TESOL; or an independent research project in TESOL or Translation and Interpreting Studies.