School Of Social Sciences And PsychologyIntroduction to Research MethodsWestern Sydney University Unit Code: 101190.2
Student Contribution Band: 1
Level: 1
Credit Points: 10
Equivalent Units
B1908 - Introduction to Research Methods
Unit Enrolment Restrictions
Students must be enrolled in 1500 Bachelor of Psychology.
About this Unit
This unit instructs students in the practical techniques required for planning, conducting and presenting research, with particular reference to research issues encountered in psychology. The primary focus is not on statistical issues, but on essential skills and knowledge in scientific investigation. Topics covered include scientific method, research design and process, internal and external validity, experimental and quasi-experimental designs, nonexperimental and survey research, critical literature reviews, identifying research problems and formulating hypotheses, measurement, sampling, ethical issues, data collection and statistical analysis, and writing research proposals and reports according to the conventions of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).