School Of Communication, Design And MediaDesign Issues: Imaging the CityWestern Sydney University Unit Code: 100617.1
Student Contribution Band: 105
Level: 2
Credit Points: 10
10931 Design Issues 1: The Design(ed) World OR 100595 Understandings of Design AND 11080 Design Issues 2: Modernism and Postmodernism OR 100596 20th Century Design Histories
About this Unit
This unit focuses on two issues: emerging understandings of the contemporary city, and how these understandings may be represented by new and more appropriate visual communication languages. Students undertaking this unit study how various cultural traditions have visually represented the city and its significance in the past. Through a series of lectures, seminars and tutorials, these understandings are then used to inform a critique of contemporary approaches to the understanding of the city. Students are asked to identify an issue of emerging significance to the new representations of the city and create a visual essay in association with a short explanatory text. The paper is to be illustrated and elaborated with original visual representations. The choice of media is at the discretion of the student.