School Of Communication, Design And MediaDesign Issues: Digital WorldsWestern Sydney University Unit Code: 100614.1
Student Contribution Band: 105
Level: 2
Credit Points: 10
10931 Design Issues 1: The Design(ed) World OR 100595 Understandings of Design AND 11080 Design Issues 2: Modernism and Postmodernism OR 100596 20th Century Design Histories
About this Unit
This unit examines the role of digital technologies in contemporary cultural production. The impact of these technologies in the design - in the broadest sense - of images, bodies and spaces in the late twentieth century is explored. The development of technologies from analogue to electronic to digital is traced. Key topics in digital media studies such as the cyborg, virtual reality, cyberspace, artificial life and simulation are explored. Conceptual issues are contextualised with reference to design, film, art and new media works.