
School Of Psychology

Empirical Research Methods SeminarWestern Sydney University Unit Code: 100487.3

Discipline: PSYCHOLOGY

Student Contribution Band: 1

Level: 4

Credit Points: 20

Assumed Knowledge
This unit is taught on the assumption that all students have a statistical competence to the level of between-units multi-way analysis of variance, bivariate regression analysis, and basic non-parametric procedures (including correlational procedures). This includes demonstrated computational ability using the statistical package SPSS.

Unit Enrolment Restrictions
Students must be enrolled in courses 1502 Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology or 1500 Bachelor of Psychology Specialist year of study.

About this Unit
This unit exposes students to advanced psychological methods. This will provide a strong basis for postgraduate studies and further strengthen applied research skills. The first half year will focus on qualitative methods. It will be assumed that students have not been exposed to these methods previously and this component of the unit will begin with an introduction to the topic before progressing to the major qualitative methods. The second half year will focus on quantitative methods and aims to extend and challenge some of the common statistical methods taught in earlier units.

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