
Sub-major - Computational Decision Making

Western Sydney University Sub-major Code: SM3027.1

Related Courses

3633.2 Bachelor of Computing
3639.1 Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology

Available to students in other Western Sydney University Courses : YES, if the specialisation is available on your Home campus. Please ensure your course structure allows space for enrolment in the units in this unit set. Students must also meet any pre-requisite requirements. Consult your Course Advisor for further advice.

This sub major is available to students who commenced prior to 2013.

Sub-major Structure

Student must complete 40 credit points as follows

200025 Discrete Mathematics

Choose one of

200263 Biometry
300700 Statistical Decision Making
200032 Statistics for Business

Choose two of

300606 Foundations of Statistical Modelling and Decision Making
200042 Introduction to Operations Research
200027 Linear Algebra
300670 Optimisation Techniques
300671 Principles and Practice of Decision Making
200044 Simulation Techniques

Students enrolled in Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology course may replace 200025 Discrete Mathematics with 300699 Discrete Structures and Complexity.

Note: For students who want to complete a Mathematics sub-major, but may not necessarily want to quality for NSW Institute of Teachers accreditation, 200029 Numerical Analysis would be added to the list of Level 2 units and 200024 Mathematical Finance would be added to the list of Level 3 units.

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