
Sub-major - Psychological Studies

Western Sydney University Sub-major Code: SM1115.1

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Available to students in other Western Sydney University Courses : YES, if the specialisation is available on your Home campus. Please ensure your course structure allows space for enrolment in the units in this unit set. Students must also meet any pre-requisite requirements. Consult your Course Advisor for further advice.

The Psychological Studies sub-major comprises units in the discipline of psychology that focus on the field of inquiry that uses scientific techniques and methods to understand and explain behaviour and experience. Areas of study include: the brain and behaviour, learning, motivation and emotion, social psychology, lifespan development, perception and cognitive processes. A Psychological Studies sub-major does not meet APAC requirements for an accredited sequence in Psychology. Students wishing to enrol in an accredited Psychology sequence should complete the Psychology key program of 160 credit points.

Sub-major Structure

Students must successfully complete 40 credit points from the units below.

Students must complete the following two compulsory units

101183 Psychology: Behavioural Science
101184 Psychology: Human Behaviour


20 credit points from the folowing Level 2/3 unit pools.

Level 2 unit pool

101684 Brain and Behaviour
100013 Experimental Design and Analysis
101676 Human Learning
101680 Perception

Level 3 unit pool

101681 Abnormal Psychology
101689 Advanced Research Methods
101677 Cognitive Processes
101682 Developmental Psychology
101193 Health Psychology
100015 History and Philosophy of Psychology
101678 Motivation and Emotion
101679 Personality
102350 Psychology and the Online World
100023 Psychology of Language
101683 Social Psychology

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