
Major - Economics

Western Sydney University Major Code: MT2010.1

Related Courses

1785.1 Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of Business and Commerce
2753.2 Bachelor of Business and Commerce
2753.3 Bachelor of Business and Commerce
2753.4 Bachelor of Business and Commerce

Economics at Western Sydney University provides a broad pluralist perspective on fundamental aspects of relationships between individuals, firms, institutions and countries. Students will learn how economies function and how public policy and the way organisations behave affect diverse social, economic and environmental problems. At Western Sydney University students are introduced to a wide array of competing economic theories, so that they are critically informed about the ways in which they can transform the world. A major in Economics prepares students to be active participants in addressing the wide range of problems faced by governments, social organisations and the business community in the domestic and international economies. Students who study economics can expect to develop their analytical and problem solving skills and to be intellectually challenged, whether they view the discipline as providing specific vocational skills or as an area of academic and intellectual interest to them. An economics major is highly regarded in the business world and opens up a very large range of career prospects in general business, finance and the public sector.

Major Structure

Students must successfully complete 80 credit points including all of the core Units listed below.

Core Units for this Major

200048 Financial Institutions and Markets
200488 Corporate Financial Management
200053 Economic Modelling
200815 Globalisation and Sustainability
200549 The Australian Macroeconomy
200546 Macroeconomic Issues
200530 Microeconomic Theory and Applications
200816 Economic Theories, Controversies and Policies

Qualification for the award of Bachelor of Business and Commerce with a major in Economics requires the successful completion of 240 credit points as per the recommended sequence below.

Recommended Sequence

Full Time

Year 1

Autumn session

200101 Accounting Information for Managers
200336 Business Academic Skills
200525 Principles of Economics

Choose one of:

200052 Introduction to Economic Methods
200032 Statistics for Business

Please note 200052 - Introduction to Economic Methods is the recommended unit for this major

Spring session

200184 Introduction to Business Law
200083 Marketing Principles
200571 Management Dynamics
200549 The Australian Macroeconomy

Year 2

Autumn session

200048 Financial Institutions and Markets
200488 Corporate Financial Management



Spring session

200546 Macroeconomic Issues
200053 Economic Modelling



Year 3

Autumn session

200530 Microeconomic Theory and Applications
200537 Economics and Finance Engagement Project



Spring session

200816 Economic Theories, Controversies and Policies
200815 Globalisation and Sustainability



Part Time

Year 1

Autumn session

200336 Business Academic Skills
200525 Principles of Economics

Spring session

200101 Accounting Information for Managers
200083 Marketing Principles

Year 2

Autumn session

Choose one of:

200052 Introduction to Economic Methods
200032 Statistics for Business


200571 Management Dynamics

Spring session

200184 Introduction to Business Law
200549 The Australian Macroeconomy

Year 3

Autumn session

200048 Financial Institutions and Markets


Spring session

200488 Corporate Financial Management


Year 4

Autumn session

200530 Microeconomic Theory and Applications


Spring session

200053 Economic Modelling


Year 5

Autumn session

200537 Economics and Finance Engagement Project


Spring session

200546 Macroeconomic Issues


Year 6

Autumn session



Spring session

200816 Economic Theories, Controversies and Policies
200815 Globalisation and Sustainability

Recommended Sequence


Recommended Sequence Full-Time

Year 1

Autumn session

200101 Accounting Information for Managers
200336 Business Academic Skills
200525 Principles of Economics

Choose one of:

200052 Introduction to Economic Methods
200032 Statistics for Business

Spring session

200083 Marketing Principles
200184 Introduction to Business Law
200571 Management Dynamics
200549 The Australian Macroeconomy

Summer session

200048 Financial Institutions and Markets
200488 Corporate Financial Management

Year 2

200053 Economic Modelling
200530 Microeconomic Theory and Applications

And two electives

Spring session

200546 Macroeconomic Issues
200816 Economic Theories, Controversies and Policies

And two electives

Summer session

Two electives

Year 3

Autumn session

200815 Globalisation and Sustainability
200537 Economics and Finance Engagement Project

And two electives


Recommended Sequence Part Time

Year 1

Autumn session

200336 Business Academic Skills
200525 Principles of Economics

Spring session

200101 Accounting Information for Managers
200184 Introduction to Business Law

Summer session

200083 Marketing Principles

Year 2

Autumn session

200048 Financial Institutions and Markets

Choose one of:

200052 Introduction to Economic Methods
200032 Statistics for Business

Spring session

200549 The Australian Macroeconomy
200488 Corporate Financial Management

Summer session

200571 Management Dynamics

Year 3

Autumn session

200546 Macroeconomic Issues

And one elective

Spring session

200053 Economic Modelling

And one elective

Summer session

One elective

Year 4

Autumn session

200816 Economic Theories, Controversies and Policies

And one elective

Spring session

200815 Globalisation and Sustainability

And one elective

Summer session

One elective

Year 5

Autumn session

200537 Economics and Finance Engagement Project

And one elective

Spring session

200530 Microeconomic Theory and Applications

And one elective

Major and Sub-major elective spaces

Elective units may be used toward obtaining an additional approved major (80 credit points) or sub-major (40 credit points).

Search for majors and sub-majors

Western Sydney University offers majors and sub-majors in a range of areas including Sustainability and Indigenous Studies.

Indigenous Australian Studies Major

Indigenous Australian Studies Sub-major

Indigenous Australian Creative Expressions Sub-major

Indigenous Economics Sub-major

Business Sustainability Sub-major

Students can apply for an elective major or sub-major via MySR.

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