
Major - Management

Western Sydney University Major Code: MT2005.1

Related Courses

2753.1 Bachelor of Business and Commerce
2753.2 Bachelor of Business and Commerce
2753.3 Bachelor of Business and Commerce

This major relates to management careers in contemporary private, public or not-for-profit organisations in Australia and abroad. Students undertake a sequence of units that, through the recognition of specific attributes required for a broad management career, enhance their capacity to initiate valued change and contribute in the complex field of management. The development of applied strategic knowledge provides strong analytical outcomes directed at understanding the impact managers have on organisational decision making. Change and strategic management knowledge is developed to assist students in applying the concepts of organisational ethics and social responsibility.

Major Structure

Qualification for this Major requires the successful completion of 80 credit points including all of the core Units listed below.

Core Units for this Major

200158 Business, Society and Policy
200586 Cross Cultural Management
200588 Global Operations and Logistics Management
200570 Management of Change
200585 Organisational Behaviour
200752 Power, Politics and Knowledge
200587 Strategic Management

Choose one of

200159 Organisation Analysis and Design
200157 Organisational Learning and Development

Qualification for the award of Bachelor of Business and Commerce with a major in Management requires the successful completion of 240 credit points as per the recommended sequence below.


Year 1

Autumn session

200101 Accounting Information for Managers
200336 Business Academic Skills
200571 Management Dynamics
200083 Marketing Principles

Spring session

200184 Introduction to Business Law
200585 Organisational Behaviour
200525 Principles of Economics

Choose one of

200052 Introduction to Economic Methods
200032 Statistics for Business

Year 2

Autumn session

200158 Business, Society and Policy
200586 Cross Cultural Management

And two electives

Spring session

200588 Global Operations and Logistics Management

Choose one of

200159 Organisation Analysis and Design
200157 Organisational Learning and Development

And two electives

Year 3

Autumn session

200570 Management of Change
200752 Power, Politics and Knowledge

And two electives

Spring session

Engaged Learning Unit (200568):

200568 Contemporary Management Issues
200587 Strategic Management

And two electives


Year 1

Autumn session

200336 Business Academic Skills
200083 Marketing Principles

Spring session

200184 Introduction to Business Law
200525 Principles of Economics

Year 2

Autumn session

200101 Accounting Information for Managers
200571 Management Dynamics

Spring session

200585 Organisational Behaviour

Choose one of

200052 Introduction to Economic Methods
200032 Statistics for Business

Year 3

Autumn session

200158 Business, Society and Policy

And one elective

Spring session

200588 Global Operations and Logistics Management

And one elective

Year 4

Autumn session

200586 Cross Cultural Management

And one elective

Spring session

Choose one of

200159 Organisation Analysis and Design
200157 Organisational Learning and Development

And one elective

Year 5

Autumn session

200752 Power, Politics and Knowledge

And one elective

Spring session

200587 Strategic Management

And one elective

Year 6

Autumn session

200570 Management of Change

And one elective

Spring session

Engaged Learning Unit (200568):

200568 Contemporary Management Issues

And one elective

Major and Sub-major elective spaces

Elective units may be used toward obtaining an additional approved major (80 credit points) or sub-major (40 credit points).

Search for majors and sub-majors

Western Sydney University offers majors and sub-majors in a range of areas including Sustainability and Indigenous Studies.

Indigenous Australian Studies Major

Indigenous Australian Studies Sub-major

Indigenous Australian Creative Expressions Sub-major

Indigenous Economics Sub-major

Business Sustainability Sub-major

Students can apply for an elective major or sub-major via MySR.

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