Major - Public Health
Western Sydney University
Related Courses
Bachelor of Health Science
Diploma in Health Science/Bachelor of Health Science
Available to students in other Western Sydney University Courses:
YES, but restrictions apply.
Public health is the science of disease prevention, prolonging life and improving health for individuals and their communities. This work is achieved by promoting healthy lifestyles, researching disease prevention, conducting population health assessment and measurement, improving environmental health, engaging the community and detecting, preventing and responding to infectious diseases. Public health professionals are required to assess and respond to emerging public health issues and work in a variety of settings, including national and state health departments, community organisations and the global health sector. The Public Health specialisation builds a student’s knowledge of the biological, social, cultural, economic and physical factors that underpin the health of a population and how to promote health for all. Students will also develop and use skills in epidemiology and biostatistics, surveillance and prevention, and public health policy. Students in MT4000 Clinical Science, who would not otherwise have the opportunity to take the 140- hour unit 401406 Professional Health Placement may choose to do so. This Major will be identified on the Student’s Academic Transcript following completion of the course.
For 4656 Bachelor of Health Science students enrolled in testamur majors MT4001 Health Promotion, MT4002 Health Services Management or MT4000 Clinical Sciences. This second major will be noted on the student’s transcript. This major is made up of 80 credit points.
Anatomy and Physiology in Health
Public Health in a Changing World
Biostatistics in Health
Health Policy and Advocacy
Harm Minimisation and Prevention
For students in MT4001 Health Promotion or MT4002 Health Services Management
Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care
For students in MT4000 Clinical Science
Choose one of
Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care
Professional Health Placement