
Major - International Design Management

Western Sydney University Major Code: M3077.1

Related Courses

3502.7 Bachelor of Design and Technology
3503.6 Bachelor of Industrial Design
3503.7 Bachelor of Industrial Design

Major Structure

Students must complete the following eight units

The following are core units.

300014 Design Management 3: Organisational Skills for Designers
200083 Marketing Principles

The following are drawn from alternate Industrial Design units.

200088 Brand and Product Management
300012 Design Management 1: Product Design Audit
300013 Design Management 2: Corporate Image and Identity
300015 Design Management 4: Design Process
200094 International Marketing
200154 Entrepreneurial Management and Innovation

Note: Unit 200154 Enterpreneurial Management and Innovation is no longer offered. Students are required to complete 200863 Leadership and Entrepreneurship.

200863 Leadership and Entrepreneurship

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