
Major - Education Studies (Primary)

Western Sydney University Major Code: M1081.1

Related Courses

1651.6 Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary)
1651.7 Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary)
1822.1 Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) Dean's Scholars
6019.1 Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary)

Available to students in other Western Sydney University Courses : YES, if the specialisation is available on your Home campus. Please ensure your course structure allows space for enrolment in the units in this unit set. Students must also meet any pre-requisite requirements. Consult your Course Advisor for further advice.

Students in the Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) must enrol in the following Education Studies Major (Primary) units: At least two units from the Numeracy and Science pool; four units from the Primary pool; and, two units from the Learning in Context pool.

Major Structure

Students must complete 80 credit points as follows

Numeracy and Science Pool

Students in 1651 Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) must complete 20 credit points.

Level 1 units

102249 Mathematical Patterns and Relationships

Level 2 units

102208 Fundamentals for Working Mathematically
102209 Scientific Discovery and Invention

Primary Pool

1651 Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) must complete 40 credit points.

Students must have completed 160 credit points before enrolling in Level 7 units.

Level 7 units

102810 Aboriginal Education: Past, Present and Future

In 2021 unit 101577 Classrooms Without Borders replaced by 102810 Aboriginal Education: Past, Present and Future.

102077 Understanding and Teaching Children
102071 Culture, Subjectivities and Schooling
101582 Primary Human Society and its Environment

Learning in Context Pool

Students in 1651 Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) must complete 20 credit points.

Level 1 units

102206 Experience-based Outdoor Education
101751 Contextualising Indigenous Australia (Day Mode)

If choosing a language unit, please choose only one of the following:

100056 Chinese 101
100057 Chinese 102
100085 Japanese 101
100086 Japanese 102

Level 2 units

101874 Experiential Learning in Communities (ELC)
101263 Education and Transformation
101663 Education for Sustainability
101259 Learning and Creativity
102048 Contemporary Childhoods

Level 3 units

101623 Ethical Futures
101661 Education in a Cosmopolitan Society
102207 The Brain and Learning
102210 Australia-Asia Education

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