
The College Admission Pathway - WSTC Social Science Extended - Social Science - Non-Credentialed Applicants

Western Sydney University The College Admission Pathway Code: A7123.1

Related Courses

7133.1 Diploma in Social Science Extended - Social Science

The College Admission Pathway Structure

Students must be enrolled in 7133 Diploma in Social Science Extended - Social Science to complete this specialisation.

Students must pass the following preparatory units for which no advanced standing will be granted in the Western Sydney University degree program

Students must pass 40 credit points from the following preparatory units prior to enrolling in the University level units

Preparatory Units

700209 Introduction to Academic Communication 1 (WSTC Prep)
700210 Introduction to Academic Communication 2 (WSTC Prep)
700233 Academic Skills for the Social Sciences (WSTC Prep)
700212 Cultural Perspectives (WSTC Prep)
700234 Understanding the Social Sciences (WSTC Prep)
700246 Key Ideas in Arts and Social Sciences (WSTC Prep)

University level Units

Students must pass the following University level units

700139 Working with Communities (WSTC)
700049 Understanding Society (WSTC)
700159 People, Place and Social Difference (WSTC)
700051 The Individual in Society (WSTC)
700158 Human Rights, Peace and Development (WSTC)
700140 Working with Cultural Differences (WSTC)

And choose two of

700156 Crime, Deviance and Society (WSTC)
700268 Introduction to International Relations (WSTC)
700267 Issues in World Development: Rich World, Poor World (WSTC)

Students will graduate with the Diploma after gaining a passing grade in all of the above units.

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