Postgraduate Admission Pathway - Master of Science (Food Science) - 1 year pathway
Western Sydney University
Postgraduate Admission Pathway
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Available to students in other Western Sydney University Courses :
The Master of Science specialising in Food Science is designed for graduates interested in furthering a career in food science and technology, working in a variety of settings, such as food manufacturing, research and development, regulatory affairs, technical and senior management. Graduates will develop knowledge and skills to meet future challenges to the food supply including sustainability, food safety, and health and nutrition, applicable to both Australian and global contexts. This specialisation develops essential content knowledge, analytical skills and mastery of laboratory methods and quality assurance through an integrated set of units in food processing, quality assurance, food evaluation techniques and new product development. In particular, these units are all directed towards solving current and future challenges. Students will be prepared to become professional food scientists with the cognitive, technical and critical thinking skills to analyse issues and articulate appropriate solutions. Students will become familiar with the University’s food pilot plant and commercial kitchen and be able use these facilities to practise their skills and application of knowledge and skills. A capstone unit involving professional research project allows students to integrate their knowledge and skills developed from the whole program and build on research skills that are scaffolded through the curriculum.
Postgraduate Admission Pathway
Applicants must have an Honours, Graduate Diploma or higher in science, health science, medical science or engineering with a major in food science, food technology, food engineering, human nutrition, dietetics, chemistry, biology, microbiology, or chemical engineering.
Master of Science (Food Science) 80 credit points
Students must complete the following core units
Food Preservation and Packaging Technologies
Food Quality Management
Introduction to Biostatistics
Research Preparation in Post Graduate Studies
Note: Unit 301387 Research Preparation in Post Graduate Studies replaces 301004 Research Preparation in Post Graduate Studies from Autumn 2021.
Capstone Research Unit
Students must complete at least 20 credit points from the following units
Research Protocol Design and Practice