
Master of Health Science

Approved Abbreviation: MHlthSc

Western Sydney University Course Code: 4651.2

CRICOS Code: 064020M

Students should follow the course structure for the course version relevant to the year they commenced. This version applies to students whose commencement year in this course is 2010.

Commencement Year 2009 - 4651.1 Master of Health Science

Areas of relevance to health employees in the public or private sector form the foundation subjects of this course: Health Policy; Leadership; Health Economics and Financial Management; Research Applications.

A choice of specialisations is offered: Aged Care Management; Health Planning; Health Services Management; Health Promotion; Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations; International Health; Marketing; Occupational Health & Safety; Occupational & Environmental Hygiene; Operations Management; Research Studies.

A generic option is also available. (Students supplement the foundation subjects by choosing their remaining subjects from a pool).

Study Mode
One year full-time or two years part-time.

Graduates of the Master of Health Science with specialisations in Health Services Management, Aged Care Management and Health Planning will be eligible for professional accreditation with the Australasian College of Health Service Management (ACHSM).


Applicants must have either:

an undergraduate degree in a health, welfare or aged care discipline


a graduate diploma or graduate certificate in a health, welfare or aged care discipline plus at least three years work experience in a health, welfare or aged care discipline.

Applications from Australian citizens and holders of permanent resident visas must be made via the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC).


International applicants must apply directly to Western Sydney University via the International Office.

International Office

Applicants who have undertaken studies overseas may have to provide proof of proficiency in English. Details of minimum English proficiency requirements and acceptable proof can be found on the Universities Admissions Centre website (UAC).

Overseas qualifications must be deemed by the Australian Education International - National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (AEI-NOOSR) to be equivalent to Australian qualifications in order to be considered by UAC and Western Sydney University.

Course Structure

Master of Health Science (generic option)

For Specialisations available please see below.

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 80 credit points including the units listed in the recommended sequence below.

Recommended sequence

Full-time (Start year intake)

Autumn session

400416Public Health, Policy and Society
300398Methods of Researching
400845Health Financial Management

Choose one of

400846Building Organisational Capacity in Health Care
400778Leadership and the Development of Organisational Capacity

Students may exit with a Graduate Certificate in Health Science at this point.

Spring session

Two units chosen from the prescribed list of health science units below

Students may exit with a Graduate Diploma in Health Science at this point.

One unit chosen from the prescribed list of health science units below

Choose one of

400850Professional Topic

Or one elective

Part-time (Start year intake)

Year 1

Autumn session

400845Health Financial Management

Choose one of

400416Public Health, Policy and Society
400238Policy, Power and Politics in Health Care Provision

Spring session

300398Methods of Researching

Choose one of

400846Building Organisational Capacity in Health Care
400778Leadership and the Development of Organisational Capacity

Students may exit with a Graduate Certificate in Health Science at this point.

Year 2

Autumn session

Two units chosen from the prescribed list of health science units below

Students may exit with a Graduate Diploma in Health Science at this point.

Spring session

One unit chosen from the prescribed list of health science units below

Choose one of

400850Professional Topic

Or one elective

Full-time (Mid-year intake)

Spring session

300398Methods of Researching

One unit chosen from the prescribed list of health science units below

Choose one of

400846Building Organisational Capacity in Health Care
400778Leadership and the Development of Organisational Capacity

Choose one of

400850Professional Topic

Or one elective

Autumn session

400845Health Financial Management
400416Public Health, Policy and Society

Two units chosen from the prescribed list of health science units below

Part-time (Mid-year intake)

Year 1

Spring session

300398Methods of Researching

Choose one of

400846Building Organisational Capacity in Health Care
400778Leadership and the Development of Organisational Capacity

Autumn session

400416Public Health, Policy and Society

One unit chosen from the prescribed list of health science units below

Year 2

Spring session

One unit chosen from the prescribed list of health science units below

Choose one of

400850Professional Topic

Or one elective

Autumn session

400845Health Financial Management

One unit chosen from the prescribed list of health science units below

Prescribed list of Health Science units

300391Occupational Health Management
300398Methods of Researching
300677Safety and Risk Management
300679Air, Water and Noise Management
300682Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
400418Health Advancement and Health Promotion
400837Health and Socio-political Issues in Aged Care
400840Communicable Diseases
400841A Global Perspective on Social Determinants of Health
400842Quality and Safety in Health Care
400843Health Workforce Planning
400844Health Services and Facilities Planning
400845Health Financial Management
400850Professional Topic

400850 only available to students wishing to pursue a research higher degree after graduation)


The following Specialisations ares offered:

ST4000Health Services Management

From 2010 this specialisation is offered on campus and external mode. This specialisation is designed for managers who require skills in contemporary management and their application in the health care setting. Particular emphasis is placed on critical and analytic skills in policy analysis, economic evaluation and epidemiology, thus providing graduates with the ability to respond creatively to changes as they arise. Health managers need to be current with developments in the general business area so potential in the health care setting can be evaluated and appropriate initiatives implemented. Particular specialty units include Strategy Analysis, Decision Making Human Resource Management, also Quality and Safety in Health Care.

ST4001Aged Care Management

From 2010 this specialisation is offered on campus and external mode. Staff working in health and aged care organisations, charitable and private sectors especially those in supervisory and management positions will find this exposes them to contemporary issues in aged care, allowing them to up-skill management knowledge to position themselves in the forefront of innovation in the delivery and organisation of quality aged care. Specialty units include Health and Socio-Political Issues in Aged Care, Leadership in Quality & Safety in Health Care and Health Workforce Planning. They have an opportunity to undertake Professional Topic or an elective. Judicious selection of an elective means students can study in a second specialty area eg Health Planning, Health Services Management or Human Resources and Industrial Relations Management.

ST4002Health Planning

From 2010 this specialisation is offered on campus and external mode. All managers undertake forward planning to proactively manage future services and identify workforce and facility requirements. This specialty keeps students up to date with current forward planning approaches and initiatives in health and other sectors that work with health. Students are exposed to the process of planning, how to set goals and objectives, monitor and evaluate performance outcomes. Current issues are explored in the specialty units Health Services and Facilities Planning, Workforce Planning and also Quality and Safety in Health Care. Second specialty options include Health Services management, Human Resources and Industrial Relations Management and Aged Care Management.

ST4003International Health

This specialisation broadens the public health approach of looking at all determinants of health, which include broader social and environmental factors in addition to physical risk factors to include international health studies. For this, students will study a wide range of evaluation processes and research methods such as policy analysis, economic evaluation, epidemiology and qualitative methods. The focus of practical skills is in Communicable Diseases, and students will integrate research, analytical and practical skills in the evaluation of contemporary public health issues. A double specialty is possible with the health promotion specialty.

ST4004Health Promotion

In addition to the four core units, this specialisation includes Health Promotion Health Advancement and A Global Perspective on Social Determinants of Health. Students are taken through the process of health needs analysis, risk and protective factors, planning, writing grant applications and evaluating interventions, based on identified competency requirements.

ST4005Occupational Health and Safety

Specialisation units include Occupational Health Management and Safety and Risk Management which focus on the practice of occupational health within national and international frameworks. It explores issues such as the physical, social and mental impact of the occupational environment on health. Strategies for the management of occupational health are examined, together with methods of monitoring and evaluating occupational health programs. Students have the opportunity to develop a safety systems approach concentrating on hazard identification, risk assessment and devising control measures incorporating safety management principles. The legal underpinning of OHS requirements at the workplace are also covered. A double specialty with the next option is possible. Students may select two electives to suit their career aspirations.

ST4006Occupational & Environmental Hygiene

The specialisation includes the units Occupational and Enviro Hygiene also Air Water and Noise Management. They show students the methods involved in measuring potential hazards, how to compare results with current standards before recommending methods of control. Hazards such as chemical and biological pollutants, ergonomics, noise, heat, cold and lighting in both the workplace and general indoor environment, and the various methods are considered. A range of skills required to assess the environment in relation to air, water and noise and underpinning legislative framework are explored.

ST4010Research Studies

This specialisation is designed for students wishing to proceed to higher degree in research. It includes specialty units in Research Philosophy and Methodology and a 20 credit point unit Advanced Thesis Preparation, in addition to the core unit of methods of Researching. This helps students understand how to identify a research problem critically evaluated the literature and prepare a research proposal. It allows students to become familiar with the requirements of thesis writing from an early stage and develops an appreciation for ethical issues in research in higher degrees.

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