
Master of Science

Approved Abbreviation: MSc

Western Sydney University Course Code: 3647.1

CRICOS Code: 064316F

Students should follow the course structure for the course version relevant to the year they commenced. This version applies to students whose commencement year in this course was 2009.

This program provides advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in a range of specialist scientific fields, through lectures, workshops, projects and directed study. Students can develop understanding of specialist fields in which they have little previous knowledge, or extend their previous expertise.

The following choice of specialisations is offered: Occupational Safety, Health & Environmental Management; Occupational and Environmental Hygiene; Environmental Management; Climate Change and Sustainable Resource Management; Biotechnology; Research Studies.

A generic option is also available.

Study Mode
One year full-time or two years part-time.


Applications from Australian and New Zealand citizens and holders of permanent resident visas must be made via the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC).


International applicants must apply directly to Western Sydney University via the International Office.

International Office

Applicants who have undertaken studies overseas may have to provide proof of proficiency in English. Details of minimum English proficiency requirements and acceptable proof can be found on the Universities Admissions Centre website (UAC).

Overseas qualifications must be deemed by the Australian Education International - National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (AEI-NOOSR) to be equivalent to Australian qualifications in order to be considered by UAC and Western Sydney University

Eligibility for admission to the Master of Science is based on the following requirements:

An undergraduate degree in any discipline


Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate in any discipline AND 1 yr FTE work experience in occupational health and safety, environmental management, occupational hygiene, climate change, natural resource management or biotechnology

Course Structure

Master of Science (generic option)

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 80 credit points, including the units listed in the recommended sequence below.

Recommended Sequence

Full-time (Start year intake)

Autumn session

300398Methods of Researching

Three units chosen from the prescribed list of science units below.

At this point, students can exit with a Graduate Certificate in Science.

Spring session

300396Developing Professional Practice
300397Perspectives of Sustainable Development

At this point, students can exit with a Graduate Diploma in Science.

One unit chosen from the prescribed list of science units below.

Choose one of (Note: 400850.1 is subject to Head of Program approval)


400850Professional Topic

Part-time (Start year intake)

Year 1

Autumn session

Two units chosen from the prescribed list of science units below.

Spring session

300396Developing Professional Practice
300397Perspectives of Sustainable Development

At this point, students can exit with a Graduate Certificate in Science.

Year 2

Autumn session

Choose one of

300398Methods of Researching

One unit chosen from the prescribed list of science units below.

Choose one of:


400850Professional Topic

(Note: 400850.1 is subject to Head of Program approval)

At this point, students can exit with a Graduate Diploma in Science.

Spring session

Two units chosen from the prescribed list of Science units below.

Prescribed list of Science units:

300391Occupational Health Management
300677Safety and Risk Management
300678Advanced Analytical Techniques
300679Air, Water and Noise Management
300680Biotechnology Analytical Techniques
300681Climate Change Impacts
300682Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
300683Principles and Practice of Biotechnology 1
300684Principles & Practice of Biotechnology 2
300685Special Issues in Science - PG

300685 only available to Masters students (permission of Head of Program required)

300686Sustainable Resource Management
300688Noise Assessment and Control
300689Environmental Management Systems
300690Environmental Assessment
400850Professional Topic

400850 only available to Masters students (permission of Head of Program required)

Note: Enrolment in Western Sydney University units other than those listed above is possible with Head of Program permission.


ST3000Occupational Safety, Health & Environmental Management

The Occupational Safety, Health & Environmental Management specialisation provides advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in the occupational health, safety and environmental management field. It is most suited for students who are already working in this field, although can be undertaken by students in allied fields who want a career change to Health, Safety and Environment roles. Students will learn to critically evaluate the social, economic and environmental impacts of policy and management decisions and analyse current and emerging issues in health, safety and environmental management. They will also develop the skills to develop new or adapt current strategies and to take a leadership role in responding to change in this very dynamic and challenging field. Students enrolled in the Masters will be required to undertake a half year pilot research project and develop a change management strategy for a current OSHEM issue. The specialisation is offered in both full time and part time modes with a multimodal attendance pattern through a combination of compulsory on-campus workshops, facilitated on-campus tutorials, and extensive use of the Western Sydney University e-learning support system.

ST3001Environmental Management

This specialisation aims to promote a better understanding of the interrelationship between the environment and human society. It requires students to investigate the environmental implications of human activity and the impacts of development and technology on the natural and built environments. It is intended to produce environmental managers who can develop integrated holistic approaches to issues around planning, assessment and management of the environment. The goal is to find balanced, sustainable solutions that are ethically and socially acceptable and which arrest the decline in the quality of the earth''s environment. Students will learn to critically evaluate the social, economic and environmental impacts of policy and management decisions and analyse current and emerging issues in environmental management. They will also develop the skills to develop new or adapt current strategies and to take a leadership role in responding to change in this very dynamic and challenging field. Students enrolled in the Masters will be required to undertake a half year pilot research project and develop a change management strategy for a current EM issue.. This course is suited for students who are already working in this field, as well as those who want a career change to an environmental management role. It is offered in both full time and part time modes with a multimodal attendance pattern through a combination of compulsory on-campus workshops, facilitated on-campus tutorials, and extensive use of the Western Sydney University e-learning support system.

ST3002Occupational & Environmental Hygiene

The Occupational & Environmental Hygiene specialisation provides advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in the occupational and environmental hygiene field. It provides students with high level scientific and professional skills in occupational and environmental hygiene. Students will be introduced to the underpinning theory, practice and application of a range of advanced analytical techniques used in occupational and environmental hygiene. They will explore the strengths and weaknesses of the various methods, and develop expertise in using them to measure exposures to chemical and biological pollutants, ergonomics, noise, heat & cold and lighting in the workplace. Students will also explore the various methods available of controlling the different types of exposures. Students enrolled in the Masters will be required to undertaken a full year research project. It is most suited for students who have a health, safety and environmental management background; although it can be undertaken by students in allied fields who want a career change to an Occupational & Environmental Hygiene role. It is offered in both full time and part time modes with a multimodal attendance pattern through a combination of compulsory on-campus workshops, facilitated on-campus tutorials, and extensive use of the Western Sydney University e-learning support system.

ST3003Climate Change & Sustainable Resource Management

This specialisation provides professional environmental resource managers a range of opportunities to upgrade their leadership skills and competencies of climate change mitigation and adaptation. The complex and uncertain nature of climate change will require increased foresight and the application of a range of practical skills across many sectors and professions for climate change adaptation and mitigation process. This specialisation will provide knowledge, skills and practices to effectively prepare towards responding to climate change and building resilience in communities, resources and industries. Students will have opportunities in learning the impacts of soils, climate, water and their interactions on rural, peri-urban and urban landscapes. They are able to analyse strategies and tactics employed in their own area of work to minimise risks and maximise opportunities related to climate change and climate variability. Experience gained will enhance their skills and competencies for evaluating and adapting appropriate resource management strategies and policy development. They will also develop the skills to develop new or adapt current strategies and to take a leadership role in responding to change in this very dynamic and challenging field. Students enrolled in the Masters will be required to undertake a half year pilot research project and develop a change management strategy for a current SRM issue. It is offered in both full time and part time modes with a multimodal attendance pattern through a combination of compulsory on-campus workshops, facilitated on-campus tutorials, and extensive use of the Western Sydney University e-learning support system.


This specialisation aims to provide advanced education in biotechnology and to prepare students for diverse careers in this field. It is designed mainly for students who have a first degree in basic biological or chemical sciences but little prior education in biotechnology. Biotechnology applies scientific and engineering principles to the processing of material by biological agents to provide goods and services. The requirements for biotechnologists are as diverse as the purposes for which microbial, plant and animal cells have been harnessed to produce food, medicines and chemicals useful to mankind. This specialisation will encourage students to actively participate in the learning process. Opportunities for student planning and development of projects based upon a strong understanding of fundamental concepts and processes will be provided. Multidisciplinary knowledge and practical skills will be integrated to provide a hands-on problem solving approach. Students enrolled in the Masters will be required to undertake a full year biotechnology research project. It is offered in both full time and part time modes with compulsory on-campus attendance required.

ST3005Research Studies

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