
Bachelor of Industrial Design

Approved Abbreviation: BIndDes

Western Sydney University Course Code: 3503.1

CRICOS Code: 041035E

Students should follow the course structure for the course version relevant to the year they commenced. This version applies to students whose commencement year in this course was 2001 to 2005.

The industrial design program prepares students to be flexible and innovative, with the emphasis placed on design, and its place in and effect on society and people. The Bachelor of Industrial Design program takes account of the rapid transformation of communication and industrial technologies, and recognizes the need for designers to resolve increasingly complex issues. It provides students with the knowledge and skills to enable them to respond with flexibility to the challenges of industrial design

Study Mode
Four years of full-time study. Combinations of full-time and part-time study or all part-time study are also permitted under the normal program.

Advanced standing

Where tertiary studies have been undertaken previously, credit transfer may be approved, reducing the overall study time.

Graduates are eligible for membership of the Design Institute of Australia (DIA).

Course Structure

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 320 credit points which include the units listed in the recommended sequence below.

Recommended Sequence


Year 1

Autumn session

300034Introduction to Professional Practice
300011Design Issues and Principles
200083Marketing Principles
300016Design Science

Spring session

10943Applied Ergonomics
200191Fundamentals of Mathematics
300302Industrial Graphics 1: Presentation
300304Sustainable Design: Materials Technology

Year 2

Autumn session

300305Design Studio 1: Themes and Variations
300306Sustainable Design: Sustainable Futures
300282Industrial Graphics 2: Transition

One sub-major alternate or one elective

Spring session

300308Design Studio 2: The Design Proposal
300309Sustainable Design: Life Cycle Analysis
300310Industrial Graphics 3: 3D Solids

One sub-major alternate or one elective

Year 3

Autumn session

300311Design Studio 3: Product Realisation
300014Design Management 3: Organisational Skills for Designers

Two sub-major alternates or two electives

Spring session

300313Design Studio 4: Simulate to Innovate
300314Designed Inquiry

Two sub-major alternates or two electives

Industrial Experience

10915Industrial Experience

Students enrolled in the 3503 - Bachelor of Industrial Design may exit the course with the 3502 - Bachelor of Design and Technology at the completion of Year 3.

Year 4

Autumn session

85032Industrial Design Project (Commencement)

One alternate - selected based on 4th year theme/issue in consultation with the Head of Program

Spring session

85033Industrial Design Project (Completion)


There are three sub-majors, composed of units from the program:

S3502DMDesign Management
S3502IGIndustrial Graphics
S3502SDSustainable Design

Sub-major elective spaces

Elective units may be used toward obtaining an additional approved sub-major (40 credit points). Western Sydney University offers sub-majors in a range of areas including Sustainability and Indigenous Studies. Refer to the Unit Set Index.

Handbook Unit Set Index

Students can apply for these unit sets using the Course Variation Form

Course Variation Application Form

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