
Sub-major - Aquatic Environments

Western Sydney University Sub-major Code: SM3062.1

Related Courses

3670.1 Bachelor of Natural Science (Animal Science)
3671.1 Bachelor of Natural Science (Environmental Management)
3671.2 Bachelor of Natural Science (Environmental Management)
3677.2 Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences)
3680.3 Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science)
3681.2 Bachelor of Science (Zoology)

Available to students in other Western Sydney University Courses: YES, but restrictions apply.

Aquatic and marine environments play vital roles in providing food, water, recreation and other ecosystem services to human society, as well as providing habitat for important species that make up global biodiversity. This sub-major will equip students with the background knowledge and training to work in aquatic and marine environments, assess water quality to learn skills in inquiry and problem solving and understand legislation on water, so that they can contribute beneficially to management and/or conservation of waterways and oceans and the biodiversity within them.

Sub-major Structure

The Aquatic Environments sub-major is available to all Western Sydney University undergraduate students except those enrolled in the Aquatic Biology major

Students must complete the following four units

Level 1

300824 Management of Aquatic Environments
300814 Water Quality Assessment and Management

Level 3

300929 Aquatic Ecology
300978 Marine and Aquatic Ecology
300870 Water in the Landscape

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