
Major - Crime Scene Investigation

Western Sydney University Major Code: M3120.1

Related Courses

3754.1 Bachelor of Science
3756.1 Bachelor of Science (Pathway to Teaching Primary/Secondary)
3757.1 Bachelor of Advanced Science
6043.1 Diploma in Science/Bachelor of Science

Available to students in other Western Sydney University Courses : NO

This major reinforces the knowledge and practical skills required for crime scene investigation as a core forensic science discipline. It draws on key forensic science concepts such as evidence integrity and continuity, case file management, and the interpretation and presentation of forensic information. After completion of the major, students will be able to correctly document crime scenes through photography, note taking and diagrams, collect and analyse potential forensic evidence, interpret data from observations and scientific analyses, and present findings through written reports. As well as crime scene investigation, the major provides students with a solid grounding across a range of forensic science disciplines that include forensic biology, forensic chemistry and forensic anthropology NOTE : This major can only be taken with enrolment in MT3022 Forensic Science.

Major Structure

NOTE: This major can only be taken with enrolment in MT3022 Forensic Science.

Students must complete the following eight core units as follows:

Level 1

300806 Forensic Science
300874 Digital Forensic Photography

Level 2

300873 Crime Scene Investigation
401171 Imaging Science

Level 3

300981 Environmental Forensic Investigations
300868 Forensic Chemistry
301120 Forensic Anthropology
401170 Forensic Biology

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