
Major - Medicinal Chemistry

Western Sydney University Major Code: M3103.1

Related Courses

3682.3 Bachelor of Medical Science (Advanced)

Major Structure

Students completing the Bachelor of Medical Science (Advanced) with a major in Medicinal Chemistry will complete the following course structure.

Note: At least 60 credit points must be at Level 3 or above (one Schedule C unit must be at least a Level 3 unit)

Year 1

Autumn session

300802 Biodiversity
300811 Scientific Literacy
301126 Concepts in Human Anatomy

Choose one of

300800 Essential Chemistry 1
300808 Introductory Chemistry

Please note unit 300800 is no longer available from 2017. Students should take unit 300808 Introductory Chemistry.

Spring session

300816 Cell Biology
300803 Essential Chemistry 2
300818 Introduction to Physiology

Choose one of

300830 Analysis of Change
200263 Biometry
300672 Mathematics 1A
300831 Quantitative Thinking

Year 2

Autumn session

300936 Functional Proteins and Genes
300937 Advanced Science Project A
300876 Organic Chemistry

One schedule C unit

Spring session

300848 Metabolism
300889 Pathological Basis of Disease
300938 Advanced Science Project B

One schedule C unit

Year 3

Autumn session

300891 Advanced Medicinal Chemistry
300910 Advanced Science Project C
300893 Topics in Medical Science

One schedule C unit

Spring session

300920 Pharmacological Chemistry
300906 Advanced Organic Chemistry
300892 Medical Science Project

From 2022 300892 Medical Science Project will be replaced by 300924 Science Research Project

300924 Science Research Project

One schedule C unit

Schedule C Units

Choose four of

300925 Advanced Analytical Chemistry
300907 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
300832 Analytical Chemistry
300899 Inorganic Chemistry
300912 Molecular Pharmacokinetics
300849 Physical Chemistry

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