
Postgraduate Admission Pathway - Master of Information and Communications Technology (Advanced) Pathway A - 2.5 years

Western Sydney University Postgraduate Admission Pathway Code: A3037.1

Related Courses

3698.4 Master of Information and Communications Technology (Advanced)

Available to students in other Western Sydney University Courses : NO

Applicants must have successfully completed an undergraduate degree in any discipline.

Postgraduate Admission Pathway Structure

Students must be enrolled in the Master of Information and Communications Technology (Advanced) to complete this specialisation.

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 200 credit points including the units listed below plus 120 hours (full time or part-time equivalent) of work experience component.

Core Units

300694 Advanced Topics in ICT
301046 Big Data
300260 IT Project Management
301384 Postgraduate Project A
301385 Postgraduate Project B
300695 Network Technologies
301005 Professional Practice and Communication
301387 Research Preparation in Post Graduate Studies
300693 Web Technologies

And students in Pathways A and B must also complete the additional three core units.

301045 Advanced Topics in User System Interaction
301038 Programming Proficiency
300977 Systems Analysis and Database Management Systems

Students must also enrol in the ICT Practicum unit to receive recognition for Work Integrated Learning.

301047 ICT Practicum

And four units from Foundation, Specialised or Multi-disciplinary unit lists in addition to those completed for a Specialisation.

All students must also complete one of the listed Specialisations below. Note: Units for the Specialisations are all included in the Foundation, Specialised or Multi-disciplinary unit lists.

ST3064 Artificial Intelligence

From 2021, ST3064 will be replaced by ST3081 Artificial Intelligence

ST3081 Artificial Intelligence
ST3065 Cybersecurity
ST3053 Data Analytics
ST3052 Digital Futures
ST3054 Distributed Computing

From 2021, ST3054 will be replaced by ST3083 Cloud and Distributed Computing

ST3083 Cloud and Distributed Computing
ST3055 Health Informatics

From 2021, ST3055 will be replaced by ST3091 Health Informatics

ST3091 Health Informatics
ST3080 Information Governance
ST3051 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
ST3034 Management
ST3049 Networking
ST3063 Space Science
ST3050 Web and Mobile Computing

From 2021, ST3050 will be replaced by ST3082 Web and Mobile Computing

ST3082 Web and Mobile Computing

Full Time - Start Year Intake

Year 1

Autumn session

301038 Programming Proficiency
300977 Systems Analysis and Database Management Systems
300695 Network Technologies
301005 Professional Practice and Communication

Spring session

301387 Research Preparation in Post Graduate Studies
300693 Web Technologies
300260 IT Project Management

From 2021, 300260 is only offered in Spring

And one unit from Foundation, Specialised or Multi-disciplinary unit lists.

Year 2

Autumn session

301045 Advanced Topics in User System Interaction
301046 Big Data
301384 Postgraduate Project A
300694 Advanced Topics in ICT

From 2021, 300694 is only offered in Autumn

Spring session

301385 Postgraduate Project B

And three units from Foundation, Specialised or Multi-disciplinary unit lists.

Year 3

Autumn session

Four units from Foundation, Specialised or Multi-disciplinary unit lists.

Full Time - Mid-Year Intake

Year 1

Spring session

301038 Programming Proficiency
300977 Systems Analysis and Database Management Systems
300695 Network Technologies
301005 Professional Practice and Communication

Autumn session

301387 Research Preparation in Post Graduate Studies
301045 Advanced Topics in User System Interaction
300694 Advanced Topics in ICT

From 2021, 300694 is only offered in Autumn

And one unit from Foundation, Specialised or Multi-disciplinary unit lists.

Year 2

Spring session

300260 IT Project Management

From 2021, 300260 is only offered in Spring

300693 Web Technologies
301384 Postgraduate Project A

And one units from Foundation, Specialised or Multi-disciplinary unit lists.

Autumn session

301046 Big Data
301385 Postgraduate Project B

And two units from Foundation, Specialised or Multi-disciplinary unit lists.

Year 3

Spring session

Four units from Foundation, Specialised or Multi-disciplinary unit lists.

Foundation Units

Note: Units in this list may be included in the course structure as Core Units and cannot be selected as one of the list units.

301045 Advanced Topics in User System Interaction
300697 Content Management Systems and Web Analytics
300260 IT Project Management
300695 Network Technologies
301005 Professional Practice and Communication
301038 Programming Proficiency
301004 Research Preparation in Post Graduate Studies
300696 Systems and Network Security
300977 Systems Analysis and Database Management Systems
300693 Web Technologies

Specialised Units

Note: Units in this list may be included in the course structure as Core Units and cannot be selected as one of the list units.

301363 Advanced Cloud Computing
301178 Advanced Health Classifications and Coding
301028 Advanced Healthcare Data Environments
301029 Advanced Healthcare Software and Systems
301119 Advanced Machine Learning
301196 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence
301236 Advanced Topics in Cybersecurity
300694 Advanced Topics in ICT
300252 Advanced Topics in Networking
301235 Applied Cybersecurity
301312 Applied Machine Learning
301314 Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Organisations
301046 Big Data
301042 Cloud Computing
301386 Cloud Systems Development
301044 Data Science
301162 Information Security Management
301175 Internet of Things
301315 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
301043 Mobile Computing
300256 Multimedia Communication Systems
301313 Natural Language Understanding
300255 Network Management
301117 Predictive Analytics
301113 Programming for Data Science
301365 Probabilistic Graphical Models
301116 Social Media Intelligence
300770 Software Testing and Automation
300700 Statistical Decision Making
301114 The Nature of Data
301112 Visualisation
300443 Web Engineering
300389 Wireless Networking

Multi-disciplinary Units

A maximum of four units are allowed from this list.

200826 Contemporary People Management
102424 Cyber Justice (PG)
200425 Economics
200850 Entrepreneurial Management Capabilities
200821 Financial Reports for Decision Making
102300 Foundations of Media Arts Production (PG)
102412 Global Digital Futures
200848 Governance, Ethics and Social Entrepreneurship
200958 Information and Data Governance Law and Policy
200852 Innovation, Creativity and Foresight
200851 Innovation for New Markets
200845 Innovation Through Digital Technology
200737 Marketing Systems
101423 Media Project Proposal
101743 Mobile Media
200849 New Venture Finance
101962 Researching Convergent Media
200971 Start-up
200841 Strategic Business Management
200825 Understanding Contemporary Organisations

Replaced Units

The units listed below count towards completion of the course for students who may have passed units in the list in 2020 or earlier.

200820 - The Contemporary Business Environment

300599 - Advanced Robotics

301020 - Advanced Mobile Robotics

301118 - Genomic Data Science

301163 - Modern Software Architectures

The core units listed below count towards completion of this course for students who passed these units in 2020 or earlier.

301004 - Research Preparation in Post Graduate Studies

300597 - Master Project 1

300598 - Master Project 2

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