
Graduate Research School

Career and Personal DevelopmentWestern Sydney University Unit Code: 800198.1


Student Contribution Band: 4

Level: 7

Credit Points: 10

Unit Enrolment Restrictions
Students must be enrolled in a PhD course or course 8111 - Graduate Certificate in Researcher Engagement, Development and Impact

About this Unit
A key skill in becoming a professional researcher is learning how to manage your career options. Fundamental aspects of this include making strategic choices regarding research focus and employment directions, learning to build professional networks both locally and internationally, and undertaking self-directed learning to continually expand your abilities and knowledge. This unit is designed to provide a structured approach to these aspects of career planning, and will include collaborative workshops where experienced researchers join the group to discuss the art of navigating around external constraints while forging your own path forward. As an early application of these principles, the unit involves completion of your Confirmation of Candidature proposal.

8111.1Graduate Certificate in Researcher Engagement, Development and ImpactCONTINUING
8111.2Graduate Certificate in Researcher Engagement, Development and ImpactCURRENT

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