
School Of Science And Health

Work Integrated Learning in ScienceWestern Sydney University Unit Code: 301161.1


Student Contribution Band: 2

Level: 2

Credit Points: 10

Assumed Knowledge
Prior to entering the unit, the student must have completed three careers workshops (generating a ‘career e-portfolio’) and have attended a pre-placement workshop. At the workshop the responsibilities, requirements and assessment of the placement will discussed. Additionally, at the workshop students will be guided on how to prepare their plan for the Professional Task.

Unit Enrolment Restrictions
Students must have successfully completed 30 credit points at level 2; must have a GPA > 5; must have completed the three Careers Workshops (http://www.westernsydney.edu.au/careers/home/students_grads/workshops) – “Applying for work: Resume and cover letter writing”, “Finding Work” and “Interviewing for Work” - in order to generate a career e-portfolio; and must have developed a plan for the Professional Task.

About this Unit
This unit will provide second and third year science students with an opportunity to undertake a short work placement within a professional organisation. The placement will allow students to observe and develop professional skills and behaviour and integrate theoretical and practical science knowledge and conventions into a real world setting. During the semester preceding the placement students need to complete three career preparation workshops run by Western Sydney University Careers and attend a Pre-Placement seminar run by the unit coordinator. These will aid students in finding their own placement. Prior to the placement, and in consultation with the unit coordinator and the workplace supervisor, students will develop a Professional Task to accomplish during the placement. The task will enhance their workplace skills and highlight how their science knowledge can be adapted and integrated into a professional career. The unit aims to promote greater engagement with career planning and progression and hence improve job readiness.

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