
Sub-major - Geography and Urban Studies

Western Sydney University Sub-major Code: SM1093.1

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Available to students in other Western Sydney University Courses : YES, if the specialisation is available on your Home campus. Please ensure your course structure allows space for enrolment in the units in this unit set. Students must also meet any pre-requisite requirements. Consult your Course Advisor for further advice.

Students in this sub-major examine the geography of contemporary Australian cities and regions. Geography is the integrated study of people, places and environments. The cutting edge interests of today’s Geographers include post-colonialism, the emergence of global information economies, indigenous issues, class and cultural disparities, population movement, sexuality and space, and the global diffusion of popular culture. Urban Studies is a newer discipline focused on social justice within the city, through its critical assessments of peoples’ access to scarce urban resources, such as housing, transport, education and employment. The political, economic, and cultural forces that shape cities and urban policy are the key concerns of the Urban Studies curriculum. These applied interests in urban well-being and city structure are the intellectual basis for the Urban Planning profession. The Geography and Urban Studies sub-major is a compulsory component of the University’s accredited Planning course.

Sub-major Structure

Students must complete four of the following units

Year 1

Autumn session

101589 Cities: Introduction to Urban Studies

Year 2

Autumn session

101590 Cultural and Social Geographies

Spring session

101591 The Economics of Cities and Regions
101646 Analysis of Spatial Data

Year 3

Autumn session

101593 Planning the City: Development, Community and Systems
101645 Transport, Access and Equity

Spring session

101694 Geographies of Migration
101905 Indigenous Cultures: A Global Perspective

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